Physical Features: - Middle stature, lean and muscular body,
neither stout nor thick, long face and neck, broad head, mark
or scar on head or temples, teeth well set, round eyes, curly

Auspicious years - 16,20, 28, 34, 41, 48, 51
Inauspicious years  - 1, 3, 6, 8, 15, 21, 36, 40, 45, 56, 63

Ambitious, pushful and aggressive nature. Stubborn but frank,have practical ideas. Loves beauty, art and elegance.Adventurous, fond of argument and debate, never hesitates to pick up a quarrel. Fanaticism in religious matters,impatience. Afraid of water, fond of travelling, life full of struggle in he beginning. Ability to plan, quick actions, executive ability.Gets bored in long-term plan, Marvellous ability to rise to the occasion in terms of emergency but no endurance to cope
with prolonged hardships. Visionary, idealistic, sets up own standards of right and wrong. Dislikes small undertakings and prefers to scheme and takes up large and extensive plans. Good nature and charm attracts opposite sex. Self-made, sexual, often unsuccessful in love affairs. Love for home and
family. They always try to be in the midst of family members
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